La bêta #4 est de sortie.
Grand Merci à Dobro pour le prêt de Nono (code supprimé 🙂 ) pour améliorer Moebius. Grâce à son prêt, j’ai réussi à passer de 2h 20m à environ 2m de compilation.
Lien : Beta 4
Changelog :
- ADDED Sample_12 (“Using labels in code”)
- FIXED Problem with PureBasic paths
- FIXED LibMaker paths
- FIXED Location of data file
- FIXED Declaration of labels (“error: symbol already defined”)
- FIXED Error in creation or opening of preferences file (from ts-soft)
- FIXED Bug in some declarations of libs in DESC File
- FIXED GUI : Profiles Reloading
- IMPROVED Translations
- IMPROVED Optimisation
- (in beta 3, 2h20m for building 180000 lines)
- (in beta 4, 2m for building 180000 lines)
- IMPROVED ASM Files writing
- IMPROVED Dichotomic search for labels in function
- REMOVED Old Code